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Highway administration proposes greenhouse gas reporting rules (WFAE Climate News)

Last week, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would require states and municipalities to track and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Many are already doing this, but this proposal would establish a national framework, for gathering state-by-state data by adding it to existing FHWA measures.

The announcement brought this reaction from Meg Fencil, the director of impact and engagement with Sustain Charlotte.

“This rule will help North Carolina to take critical action towards achieving the 50% reduction in economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 called for in [Gov. Roy Cooper’s] Executive Order 246. It’s important that both the state and municipalities support sustainable transportation investments so that residents can more easily use public transit, ride a bike, walk, or drive electric vehicles. North Carolina and other states will make the most progress on fighting climate change if we have a clear and consistent way of measuring GHGs from transportation and developing plans to reduce them.”

Read the full WFAE Climate News newsletter.