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Action Alert: Ask Charlotte City Council to support “Sustainable and Resilient Charlotte” resolution

We need your help! On June 25th, the Charlotte City Council will be voting on a comprehensive resolution that calls for the city to source 100% of its energy used in its buildings and fleet from zero-carbon sources by 2030. It also creates an action plan for dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors.

This is great news, and if implemented, would truly make Charlotte a leading city in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It would significantly increase the quality of life for residents through environmental improvements like air quality and prepare our economy for the jobs of the future. You can read more about the resolution and action plan in our recent blog post.

We need your help to get this passed! Please contact Councilmembers and the Mayor and tell them you support the “Sustainable and Resilient Charlotte” resolution and ask for their support!

Please come out to the June 25th City Council meeting to show your support! We will be meeting in the lobby of the Government Center at 6 pm.

Address: 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte NC 28202

Read on for contact info and resolution text.

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Contact Information:




Resolution of the city of charlotte city council in support of a

Sustainable and resilient charlotte by the year 2050


WHEREAS, the Charlotte City Council committed in the FY 2018-2019 Environment

Focus Area Plan to “become a global leader in environmental sustainability, balancing economic

growth with preserving our natural resources;” and,


WHEREAS, Charlotte will strive to become a low carbon city by 2050, spanning all

sectors, to bring city-wide greenhouse gas emissions to below 2 tons CO2e per person annually;



WHEREAS, Charlotte is currently developing a Strategic Energy Action Plan (SEAP),

which will contain short, medium and long terms actions to deliver deep reductions in carbon

emissions spanning all sectors so that the CO2e targets can be met; and,


WHEREAS, a low carbon city is delivered through processes, strategies, practices, tools,

and institutional structures that promote collaboration between city, public, private, academic,

and nonprofit constituencies to develop and implement long-term, deep reductions in carbon

emissions, and,


WHEREAS, these processes, strategies, and collaborations will balance economic

considerations with advancement towards the 2050 goal, and


WHEREAS, low carbon cities improve their environmental sustainability, social capital

and economic mobility through growth in clean energy industries and workforce development

opportunities; and,


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Charlotte will strive to

become a low carbon city by 2050 and will develop a Strategic Energy Action Plan to be

presented to City Council.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Charlotte will

continue the work currently under way to advance short term goals for reductions in energy

consumption in city operations as a first step on the path towards a low carbon future.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Charlotte will

strive to source 100% of its energy use in its buildings and fleet from zero carbon sources by


Thanks for reading!

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