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Become a member for just $5 a month + enter to win a $50 gift card to healthy home market!

SC Kids

This month we’re kicking off our October membership drive and now, for just $10 a month, you can become an official member of one of Charlotte’s most important and impactful nonprofits.


Renew or sign-up for a membership by midnight today and we will enter you in a drawing to receive a $50 gift card to Charlotte’s Healthy Home Market–a health and specialty foods store featuring a variety of locally grown and organic produce.

Will you help us reach our goal of 50 new members by Halloween?

Sustain Charlotte has spent nearly five years uniting neighborhoods, businesses and elected officials to solve the most pressing sustainability challenges facing our city and region.

In order to keep moving forward with our mission to make Charlotte a healthier and more vibrant region for generations to come, we need your support.

Don’t wait! Become a member today for just $10 / monthYour investment is not only significant, but also critical to providing us with the resources we need to continue inspiring choices that ensure the community we leave behind is healthier and more vibrant for all than it is today.

Thanks for reading!

As a nonprofit, community support is essential for us to keep doing what we do — including providing free articles like this. If you found this article helpful, please consider supporting Sustain Charlotte.

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