Addressing the 2023 Draft Carbon Reduction Strategy

Cars with smog

This week, we signed a letter to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). The letter, written and coordinated by the Southern Environmental Law Center, addresses the recently released 2023 Draft Carbon Reduction Strategy.

While a good step forward towards reducing carbon, the letter urges NCDOT to include a timeline and detailed implementation plan for the strategies outlined in the draft. Similarly, the draft neglects to include federal funding opportunities that would “chart a more sustainable course for its broader transportation program and investments.” Dramatic improvements in carbon reduction will not happen without using all the tools and funding opportunities available.

The letter also calls on NCDOT to center its strategy around projects that will achieve the most carbon reductions. This approach will in turn lift up projects that have a greater impact on racial and socioeconomic equity. Currently, NCDOT’s strategy focuses on geographic equity: the need for every jurisdiction to have at least one funded project. We believe geographic equity should be one factor considered among many, with carbon reductions remaining the primary focus.

These are just a few of the major points outlined in the 12-page letter. Read the full letter here. We are proud to have signed and be a voice for emissions reductions, equity, clean air, and transportation choices. We look forward to NCDOT’s response.

Thanks for reading!

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