Bonds will fund many transportation and neighborhood improvements

Charlotte residents, tomorrow November 4th is Election Day! As Charlotte’s population continues to grow, it’s critical that we not only maintain our existing infrastructure, but also improve our streets, trails, neighborhoods, and housing to meet the needs of current and future residents.

We hope you’ve heard about the three bonds that will be on your ballot tomorrow. If not, this post will help you understand the basics and where to find more information. Each bond will be presented separately, and we encourage you to vote ‘Yes’ for all of them. We’re sharing the following information from the Vote Yes For City Bonds website to help you make an informed decision at the polls.

Vote yes for city bonds

The financing costs for these bonds are included in the city budget for this year, meaning “yes” votes will not result in higher taxes.

Streets: $110,964,000 to fund street and intersection projects, upgrades to traffic control system, repairs to and replacements of bridges, construction of new bridges, initial development of Cross Charlotte Multi-Use Trail and measures to improve pedestrian safety.

stock photo bicycle cross charlotte trail

Housing: $15,000,000 to provide affordable and well-maintained housing for low- and moderate-income individuals and families that addresses a continuum of housing needs – from homelessness to homeownership.

Neighborhoods: $20,000,000 to improve infrastructure in established neighborhoods showing signs of distress and emerging high-growth areas in need of connectivity. Infrastructure improvements include sidewalks, streetscape, curbs and gutters, storm drainage, landscaping and pedestrian lighting.

Click here to see a sample ballot and find out where your polling place is.

Why not walk, bicycle, or ride transit to your polling place and upload a photo of your trip to our Sustainable Transportation Challenge for a chance to win a $50 daily prize? The challenge is available every weekday in November. Find out how easy it is to participate at:

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