Press release: Sustain Charlotte endorses accessory dwelling units

This week, Sustain Charlotte, in partnership with NEXT, a Chapel Hill-based smart growth advocacy nonprofit, issued a press release expressing support for House Bill 409 and Senate Bill 374, which allow any homeowner to add an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to any property zoned for residential use that allows for detached single-family dwellings.

In the release, Sustain Charlotte Executive Director Shannon Binns shared: “In Charlotte and in communities across the state the need for more housing has never been greater. Though Charlotte currently allows ADUs it is critical that they be allowed in every community where more housing is needed, especially housing for low and moderate-income households. ADUs not only help provide additional housing options but also take advantage of underused land in existing urban areas helping to prevent urban sprawl.”

Sustain Charlotte applauds Charlotte-area Representatives Mary Belk, Kevin Crutchfied and Donnie Loftis for sponsoring this bill.

Read the full press release.

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