Two years in, Way2Go CLT continues to inspire sustainable commuters

In 2017 Sustain Charlotte launched the Way2Go CLT sustainable transportation challenge and inspired 1,500+ participants to avoid more than half a million miles driven alone in cars. Two years later, Way2Go CLT continues to inspire great commute choices as CATS’ adopted program!

Here’s the impact that Way2Go CLT participants made during 2018:

CATS continues to grow the Way2Go CLT program that we began in 2017! (image: CATS)

CATS continues to grow the Way2Go CLT program that we began in 2017! (Image: CATS)

We’re thrilled to see the program that we launched with an NCDOT Transportation Demand Management grant is still making a big impact on our community’s air quality as well as health and financial savings for participants!

Our thanks goes to CATS for hosting Way2Go CLT in 2018 and beyond. We appreciate the efforts of all of you who have participated in this fun and impactful challenge!

You can be a part of this movement too! If you’ve never tried it or want to rejoin Way2Go CLT, check it out now, and start clean commuting to reduce your carbon footprint, imrpove our air quality, and burn calories!

Thanks for reading!

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