Want to live in a walkable, bikeable city? Follow these tips. (Yale Climate Connections)

Transportation is the largest source of carbon pollution in the United States, and passenger cars, SUVs, and light-duty trucks account for more than half of all transportation emissions.

If you want to reduce your climate impact, this can present a dilemma. Walking, biking, and public transportation are the most climate-friendly ways to get around, but cars rule the roads in most of the nation. S

o ditching your car might not seem realistic. Even something as basic as thinking carefully about the language used to discuss different mobility options can help spread important ideas. “

I actually don’t like the term ‘alternative transportation,’ because to me that suggests that walking, biking, and using public transportation are somehow outside the norm of the way that folks should get around their community,” said Sustain Charlotte’s Meg Fencil.

Read the Yale Climate Connections article.