You can shape the future of cycling in Charlotte

Despite what you might think, Charlotte is trying to be better for bikes. For years Sustain Charlotte has been advocating for safer places to ride in the city, and now Charlotte is working on creating a new Bicycle Network Map, which will lay the foundation for significant improvements in bike facilities. At our August Shifting Gears workshop, attendees had an opportunity to learn more about Charlotte’s process for creating its map, and to provide input on what should be included in it.

You can shape the future of cycling in Charlotte

You can shape the future of cycling in Charlotte

Attendees give feedback on Charlotte’s new Bicycle Network Map.

CDOT staff were at the event to share more about the process and explain how attendees would be able to provide public input. Then everyone at the event was able to rotate through several map stations, where they could add post-it notes with feedback, identifying particular paths that are regularly used for biking along transit corridors and future transit corridors, and where bike facilities should be improved.

You can shape the future of cycling in Charlotte

Over 50 community members came to the event and eagerly shared their thoughts on how to improve cycling in Charlotte through the network map. 

Once the bicycle network map is finalized, it will be incorporated into the Streets Map that guides development around transit, which will be part of the City’s updated Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO guides development within Charlotte, and Sustain Charlotte has a presence on the UDO Advisory Committee. Through that committee, we are working to ensure that biking, walking, and public transit are all prioritized when development happens, and that our community grows in a way that is healthy, equitable, and vibrant.

Check out the full presentation here.

If you weren’t able to be at the event, you can still provide feedback on the bicycle network map online, here. Make sure you take this opportunity to help shape the future of cycling in Charlotte!

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