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Climate Change and the Environment

Sustain Charlotte voices support for city’s FY 2023 Budget

Good evening City Council, Mayor, and Staff, My name is Elina Shepard. I am the…

Candidates responses are in!

Heading to the polls soon? We’ve got you covered! Check our survey results to learn more about…

2022 Recycling Excellence Award

Each year on Earth Day Sustain Charlotte hosts an awards ceremony to celebrate the work…

Inspiring local leaders honored at 10th Annual Charlotte Sustainability Awards

Sustain Charlotte hosted an evening of celebration and inspiration at the 10th Annual Charlotte Sustainability…

A clean and green cause that’s close to our hearts: Wastequip proud to sponsor Sustain Charlotte 2022

Sustain Charlotte is proud to announce that Charlotte-based company Wastequip, North America’s leading manufacturer of…

We’re asking NC to invest infrastructure funds equitably + sustainably

Sustain Charlotte recently signed on to a letter with 18 local, statewide, and regional organizations to Governor…

Key details on the new development rules and how they will impact the environment

Welcome to our series of UDO series! If you’re not familiar with the Unified Development…

We’re sharing key details of the rules that will guide Charlotte’s growth

Welcome to our series of blog posts about the Unified Development Ordinance (abbreviated as UDO)!…

We’re asking for a Mecklenburg County budget that grows our greenways faster

Sustain Charlotte partnered with Partners for Parks and Park and Rec Commissioner Paul Freestone to…

Mode shifting our way to sustainable urban mobility

This is a guest blog post from our Gold Partner, Spin. By Hui Wen Chan, Director of…