Development and Housing

Sustain Charlotte advocates for a county budget that includes funding for equity investments and greenways

Last night, Sustain Charlotte Director of Engagement and Impact Meg Fencil addressed the Mecklenburg County…

Eight things we’ll fight for in 2024

This year, we will continue tirelessly advocating for solutions that reduce our impact on the climate, advance racial equity, connect…

2023 Impact 704 Academy Session 1: a recap

More than 60 Charlotte-area residents gathered at Charlotte Art League in northeast Charlotte for the…

New app connects you to public development information

Last week, the City of Charlotte’s Planning, Design & Development staff released an exciting new…

Sustain Charlotte urges City Council to proceed with the approved UDO

Charlotte City Council met for its monthly zoning meeting on Monday night, hearing feedback from…

It’s time to end parking minimums

Sustain Charlotte’s executive director Shannon Binns emailed Charlotte City Council members on April 6th, 2023…

Community Area Planning is coming. Are you ready?

What is Community Area Planning? Community Area Planning (CAP) is the next step in helping Charlotte…

Guest post: How architectural design can reduce energy use

Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Insight Architects, one of Sustain Charlotte’s supporting partners. …

Our 2023 sustainability resolutions

In 2023, what would it look like to collectively aspire to a better future for…

Impact 704 Academy: why does land use in Charlotte matter?

On Thursday evening, several dozen community members gathered for Sustain Charlotte’s Impact 704 Academy’s third…