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Cycling advocates brave weather for shifting gears

Sustain Charlotte hosted our second Shifting Gears of 2018 on May 24th at Central Piedmont Community College.  The goal of Shifting Gears is for every participant to come away with one action item and one community contact to help them achieve their goal.

Did you miss the workshop?  We have a summary for you right here!

Man speaks at table

The first half of every Shifting Gears program features a different keynote speaker. The City of Charlotte’s new Bicycle Program Coordinator Will Washam kicked off the conversation.  Will has been on the job for about three months. He spoke about his background and his vision of how to create a safer city for cyclists. He fielded questions about the proposed FY 2019 Charlotte budget and how he plans to close the gap in cycling education programs.

Then, the audience of around 35 people then broke down into seven smaller group discussions based on their interest areas.  Here is a breakdown of who led tables and their areas of expertise.

Would you like to showcase your work in the cycling community at the next Shifting Gears?  Contact Sustain Charlotte’s Bicycle Program Manager Kate Cavazza at [email protected] for more information!

What are the next steps?  Shifting Gears are held quarterly with the third meeting scheduled for August 23rd! In the meantime, join the conversation on our new Shifting Gears Facebook group.  Use this site to vet ideas, connect with like minded people, and find opportunities to get involved!

We also want to thank and the Knight Foundation for sponsoring this series.

Thanks for reading!

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