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We support the newly proposed unified development ordinance text amendment

UDO Amendment text and Charlotte SkylineOur organization is in favor of the proposed Petition #2023-093 UDO Text Amendment, which aims to address the issue of specific residential subdivisions being developed under outdated Office and Business zoning districts.

As of June 1, 2023, these areas were reclassified as General Commercial (CG) and Office Flex (OFC) zoning districts, meaning that single-family homes and duplexes in these subdivisions became non-conforming. As a result, property owners are restricted from making changes, like expanding these homes.

If adopted, the amendment will help resolve this issue promptly. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission passed a recommendation on the text amendment on August 3, and Charlotte City Council could make a decision on August 21.

Allowing housing in more zoning districts is necessary

To ensure the sustainability and resilience of Charlotte it is essential to update parcels that have outlived their current zoning. Rezoning alignments will allow Charlotte to grow compactly and limit suburban sprawl, ultimately reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and improving public health.

Conversely, restricting growth only to single-family housing, due to concerns about property values, infrastructure, or congestion, will ultimately lead to a less sustainable and resilient city, which will end up being more expensive for everyone. If the current proposed amendment is adopted, it will allow the addition of possible accessory dwelling units (ADUs) or duplexes in non-conforming neighborhoods sooner.

We strongly encourage the Charlotte City Council to adopt the proposed 2023-093 text amendment and others that align with the objectives of the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Doing so will strengthen the UDO as a tool to build a more sustainable and equitable city.

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