We’ve launched the charlotte regional transportation coalition!
Sustain Charlotte has organized a group of community leaders and organizations to create The
Charlotte Regional Transportation Coalition (CRTC), an active network committed to ensuring
the future of transportation in the Charlotte area is equitable and sustainable for all people in the
On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, at noon, the CRTC hosted a virtual launch event to introduce
itself to the community. To keep friends and neighbors safe, the event was a virtual talk show
format. Participants learned about the CRTC, heard from community leaders and neighbors, enjoyed a poetry performance, played virtual games, won prizes, and more.
Here’s full video of the event:

Ray McKinnon emceed the event.
The CRTC’s membership is growing steadily. So far, it includes around 20 neighborhood
organizations, faith groups, and other allies throughout the region total. Some of these groups
• CharlotteEAST
• West Blvd Neighborhood Coalition
• North End Community Coalition
• North Mecklenburg Economic Mobility Collaborative
• Monroe Road Advocates
• Greater Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Social Justice Ministry
• The American Heart Association
The CRTC is currently seeking new members to get involved and help to build the coalition.
Access to public transportation is a critical issue for all residents across all demographics. The
ability to travel easily to places such as work, healthcare providers, and other desirable
destinations is essential. For many, the ability to move around can represent mobility–both
literally and economically. However, the public transit system in the Charlotte region has many
gaps that hinder the ability to travel quickly and cost-effectively.
Shannon Binns, Executive Director of Sustain Charlotte, is excited to take this next step and engage
the broader community in these critical conversations. “The time is now. The path forward is
getting designed, whether you are in the room or not. The CRTC allows our residents to engage
and be heard so that the future is designed for all residents. It’s important that folks who live on
the Westside, Eastside, and Northside of Charlotte, sometimes referred to as The Arc or The
Crescent areas, and those who live in the region have a voice and that their voices are built into
these plans.
Check out the coalition’s website for details and to get learn more!
The CRTC was launched by its steering committee members including Sustain Charlotte, the North End Community Coalition, the West Boulevard Neighborhood Coalition, and CharlotteEast. Major financial support for the CRTC is provided by Energy Foundation.
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