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Sustainable commuters celebrated at December mixer

Over 50 sustainability enthusiasts from throughout the Greater Charlotte area gathered at Triple C Brewing on Tuesday evening to network and celebrate the success of our Transportation Choices Alliance’s Sustainable Commute Challenge.

During the month-long challenge, over 100 photos were submitted by area residents who walked, biked, or rode transit to their daily destinations. As the photos were shared by contestants, they drew thousands of ‘Likes’ and hundreds of new followers to the TCA’s Facebook page. The challenge also initiated dozens of conversations among sustainable commuters, many of whom had never met in person.

Susan Patterson (center), Knight Foundation's Charlotte Program Director, congratulated the winners and participants.

Susan Patterson (center), Knight Foundation’s Charlotte Program Director, congratulated the winners and participants.

All Sustainable Commute Challenge winners were invited to join us at the mixer to be recognized, and more than half of them were able to attend! A highlight of the evening was when Susan Patterson, Charlotte’s Program Director for the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, spoke about the important role of sustainable commuting in building strong communities. The Knight Foundation provided financial support for our Transportation Choices Alliance to host the challenge. The three youngest winners – Gus, Lucy, and James – attended with their parents and enjoyed coloring pictures of buses, trains, pedestrians, and bikes.

One of the youngest sustainable commuters, James, also won a Sustain Charlotte tote bag in the raffle!

One of the youngest sustainable commuters, James, also won a Sustain Charlotte tote bag in the raffle!

Caroline Flory of Duke Energy, a partner of Sustain Charlotte, shared information about the Smart Energy in Offices program. The goal of this program is to build a community focused on driving energy efficiency savings through engagement of building management, tenants, and occupants to change the way they use energy in the office space. Are you interested in learning more? Caroline would be happy to answer your questions. Contact her at [email protected]

We were delighted to co-host this month’s mixer with PiES, the Project for Innovation, Energy, and Sustainability and Green Drinks Lake Norman. Laurie Walker, Associate Director of PiES, explained the organization’s role in incubating green businesses and providing support to entrepreneurs.

The Sustainable Commute Challenge was celebrated with a delicious cake!

The Sustainable Commute Challenge was celebrated with a delicious cake!

Our monthly mixers are usually held on the first Tuesday of each month at Triple C Brewing in Charlotte’s South End from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. If you’ve never been to a Sustain Charlotte event before, mixers are a great way to meet people! We always have some first time guests joining us and everyone is warmly welcomed. Our next mixer will be on Tuesday, January 6 2015.

Thanks for reading!

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