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Development and Housing

Key details on the new development rules and how they will impact the environment

Welcome to our series of UDO series! If you’re not familiar with the Unified Development…

We’re sharing key details of the rules that will guide Charlotte’s growth

Welcome to our series of blog posts about the Unified Development Ordinance (abbreviated as UDO)!…

Changes approved for future Silver Line Light Rail Alignment

Throughout the years Sustain Charlotte has voiced our support for the expansion of public transit….

Will new development guidelines make it easier to travel without a car?

In the absence of a robust plan to manage traffic congestion and support transportation choices,…

Action alert: weigh in on the future of your neighborhood!

The City of Charlotte has released a first draft of The Charlotte Future 2040 Policy…

Passive House 101

This is a guest post by our Gold Partner, Insight Architects. Passive House is an internationally operated…

Our perspective on parking in Uptown

The comments below were presented to Charlotte City Council at their October 11, 2021 meeting…

Charlotte adopts groundbreaking comprehensive plan

On June 21, 2021 the Charlotte 2040 Comprehensive Plan was approved by Charlotte City Council by a…

What does building a better city look like to you?

2021 is a critical year for Charlotte’s future. How we grow for the next twenty…

City to begin land use planning around future Silver Line light rail

The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is taking a look at Transit Oriented Development (TOD)…