Transit is the future press conference – Weds 12/2 at 4:00pm (Press release)

Local and Federal Elected Officials Call for Transit Funding

Leaders Call on Congress to Invest $32 Billion to Keep Our Buses and Trains Moving

Wednesday, Dec. 2nd 4:00 – 5:00pm (Eastern)




Meg Fencil, Program Director

(704) 968-2187

CHARLOTTE, NC – Sustain Charlotte will host an online event calling on Congress to invest $32 billion to keep buses and trains moving and to commit to high-quality, reliable, and equitable transit as the backbone of national economic recovery.

Speakers will describe how the COVID pandemic and recession have impacted our community, and discuss the ways in which public transit investment can help us build a more just, equitable and sustainable economy. The event will conclude with a special announcement about the upcoming public launch of the new Charlotte Regional Transportation Coalition.

REGISTER to attend the virtual forum on Zoom.

What: Press conference: ‘Transit is the Future’ with an opportunity for audience and media Q&A

When: 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. (Eastern) on Wednesday, December 2nd

Who: Confirmed speakers for this event include:

U.S. Representative Alma Adams

City of Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles

City of Charlotte Mayor Pro Tem Julie Eiselt

Town of Davidson Mayor Rusty Knox

Charlotte Family Housing Executive Director Pedro Perez

Southern Environmental Law Center Senior Attorney Kym Hunter

How: The event will be held 100% virtually on the Zoom platform. Register in advance to attend.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event.



Sustain Charlotte is a community-based nonprofit organization dedicated to educating, engaging and uniting citizens to solve Charlotte’s sustainability challenges. We inspire choices that lead to a healthy, equitable, and vibrant community for generations to come. For more information about Sustain Charlotte, visit


This event has been organized in coordination with the National Campaign for Transit Justice, a coalition of national and local organizations pushing for federal transit funding by centering the needs and priorities of local riders, the services they depend on, and the jobs transit supports. This coalition of 15+ transit regions is organized and supported by the Alliance for a Just Society, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), TransitCenter, and Transportation for America in coordination with the Bloomberg Philanthropies American Cities Climate Challenge. The Climate Challenge is an unprecedented opportunity for 25 ambitious cities to significantly deepen and accelerate their efforts to tackle climate change and promote a prosperous, sustainable future for their residents.