
You searched for Strategic Energy Action Plan

City proposes 2040 goal of 50% sustainable trips!

During City Council’s Transportation & Planning Committee meeting on May 9th, Charlotte DOT staff informed the Committee members that the soon-to-be-released Strategic Mobility Plan will incorporate an ambitious mode share […]

Sustain Charlotte voices support for city’s FY 2023 Budget

Good evening City Council, Mayor, and Staff, My name is Elina Shepard. I am the program manager at Sustain Charlotte. We’re a nonprofit organization that advocates for sustainable land use […]

City budget recommends record bike and pedestrian investment (Press release)

Recommended Charlotte City Budget Includes a Doubling of Funding for Bicycle Program and Vision Zero, Tripling for Sidewalks CONTACT Meg Fencil 704-968-2187 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Charlotte, NC (May 4, […]

County to update environmental leadership policy

Sustain Charlotte has joined 12 other organizations in the Charlotte Mecklenburg Climate Leaders group in sending a public comment letter on Mecklenburg County’s draft update to the Environmental Leadership Policy and […]

2020 mid-year accomplishments

While 2020 has required many adaptations from all of us, Sustain Charlotte has continued to work hard for the long-term health of our community. Here are a few of the […]

Your voice is needed on Charlotte’s new transportation task force!

Determining how to advance Charlotte’s mobility goals and pay for a major expansion of the transit system is no small task. Fortunately, there’s now a task force working to propose […]

How (and why) we’re speaking up for fast, reliable bus service in Charlotte

Our program director, Meg Fencil, spoke during the public forums of the May 26 Charlotte City Council meeting and the May 28 Metropolitan Transit Committee meeting in support of the […]

Monthly bike update: How does social distancing affect biking?

Hello, Fellow Social Distancing Cyclists! As you all know, March has been like no other month in our lifetime as current events have been reshaping our world every few days. […]

Madrid is prioritizing people over cars. Could it work in Charlotte?

There’s a famous old saying: “You can take the transportation advocate out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the transportation advocate.” Ok, not exactly famous. […]

What can Charlotte learn from a city where over half of trips are taken by walking, bicycling and transit?

This past week our Executive Director Shannon Binns, Program Director Meg Fencil, and Bike & Walk Program Coordinator Eric Zaverl traveled to Vancouver to attend the annual Rail~Volution conference. We were […]